Welcome To Healthy Fruta

Healthyfruta is dedicated to educating people about the wonderful world of fruits. As co-owners, Mabel Linekar and Prakash Tiwari launched this site in 2023 with the goal of sharing evidence-based information on the vast array of fruits globally.

While Mabel and Prakash manage the day-to-day operations, they have assembled a talented team to provide high-quality fruit-focused content. Dr. Kevin Gerrard acts as the proofreader and fact-checker, ensuring all details are accurately represented. As Content Head, James Lynch oversees the editorial direction and works with writers to develop engaging articles.

Our team of writers includes nutrition and diet expert Jeremy Stones, who regularly contributes articles on the nutritional benefits and properties of different fruits. Bibek Thami handles content creation and optimization to enhance our online presence.

However, with thousands of varieties of fruits across the world, it’s impossible for our small team to have first-hand experience with all of them. That’s why we are continuously hiring more writers from around the globe. By connecting with people who have access to unique local fruits, we can share authentic perspectives beyond what may be found in average research.

Our goal is to make Healthyfruta the most trusted online resource for all things fruit. Whether you want to learn more about popular household items like apples and bananas or discover exotic new varieties, we aim to satisfy your curiosity through approachable and fact-driven content.

Our Healthy Fruta Team

Mabel Linekar

Mabel Linekar brings a wealth of global fruit experiences to Healthyfruta from her travels to over 25 countries. As a writer, she shares vivid first-hand stories of sampling indigenous varieties from mangosteens in Thailand to black sapotes in Mexico to educate others.

Dr. Kevin Gerrard

Dr. Kevin Gerrard is the resident fact-checker at Healthyfruta. A retired physician, he had Mabel Linekar as a long-time patient and became acquainted with her passion for unusual fruits. When Mabel launched the site with Prakash Tiwari, she knew Dr. Gerrard's expertise would be invaluable. He lends his medical expertise to ensure all health-related claims are backed by research.

James Lynch

As Content Head, James Lynch brings over 10 years of experience in online content creation and management. He works closely with writers to develop engaging articles on fruits that educate readers. James' leadership is invaluable as Healthyfruta expands its educational reach through strategic blogging.

Bibek Thami

Bibek Thami recently joined Healthyfruta as a content writer and SEO specialist, bringing over four years of experience in these fields. As a full-time employee, he handles article writing and optimization efforts to enhance the site's search visibility. Bibek is a valuable asset in helping more people discover the fruit content through his digital marketing expertise.

Jeremy Stones

Jeremy Stones is a registered dietitian and nutritionist from the UK who contributes regularly. As a long-time friend of Mabel Linekar, he first met her when advising on dietary issues during her travels. Jeremy lends his expertise to examine fruits' nutritional properties and benefits.

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